Actress/Actor Baker Chef Designer Ethologist Fisherman Geologist Hotel manager Interpreter Jeweller Kinesiologist Librarian Olive Grower Personal Trainer Reporter Stylist Taxi Driver Veterinarian Window Dresser Zoologist

Videos for staff meeting and team building activities Videos for newsletters Videos for promotionals ads Videos for social media Videos for (e)conferencing Videos for (e)call and (e)meetings

When companies or institutions have a permanent museum space, or are the subject of temporary exhibitions, the realisation of a video content using archival footage from their heritage is certainly an opportunity with great communication impact.

20, 50 or 100 years of history Anniversary of a product launch A new joint venture In memory of a founder Celebrating a corporate success

A surprise party House warming party The holiday party Bachelor/ette party The birthday party Graduation party Wedding invitations Important anniversaries Five is wood, twenty-five is silver, fifty is gold! The retirement party Labor Day Let’s party for Christmas and New Year’s Eve, Easter and Easter Monday, Communion and Confirmation, All Saints and Halloween… Valentine's Day Mother's Day, Father's Day, Grandparents Day Women's Day

On holiday with mom and dad Your mountains and beaches School trips The first journey with your friends Interrail and the like: let’s move on Your first trip all alone A weekend with her/him Your East and your West A special spot Xtreme experiences Your ideal cities The most faraway spot you’ve ever been…

Actress/Actor Baker Chef Designer Ethologist Fisherman Geologist Hotel manager Interpreter Jeweller Kinesiologist Librarian Olive Grower Personal Trainer Reporter Stylist Taxi Driver Veterinarian Window Dresser Zoologist

The very first job The new colleagues Being successful and getting promotions Let’s have a change of work and city! Missions and transfers Office and home workers One sabbatical year Retired at last!